The Little Jackal

Info and esoteric services of Tjema'awy @ Tai'awepwawet

My Life As A Background Kemetic

Basic information about who I am as a Kemetic, and a general pagan.

A functioning Senut shrine

Dem Gods, Dem Gods, Dem Dry gods

I mention a lot of Gods on this little site. Some information about my experiences with them is in here.

Divinatory Revelatory

I do a few forms of divination for myself and others. For information on what I do and how to request a reading, head this way.

A fanned tarot deck and three golden statues of Egyptian Gods

My life as a background Kemetic

My Kemetic name is Tjema'awy, my secular name is Isha, and my Shemsu name in the Kemetic Orthodox tradition is Tai'awepwawet, where I am a Shemsu-Ankh. In that tradition I was divined a child of Wepwawet, beloved of Serqet, Bast, and Ra-Heruakhty. I received later beloved divinations which confirmed Hethert-Amenti, Nit-Nebthet-Seshat, and Sekhmet-Hethert as beloveds as well.I'm 37, live in the UK, and have been Kemetic in some form or other for probably about 20 years now. I joined the Kemetic Orthodox House of Netjer in 2009, left in 2011 after some divinations led me to feel Wepwawet wanted me to walk an independent path, and until 2018 I lived as an independent Kemetic.This was a necessary time for me, I have come to believe. Without a structure and perceived path, I had to figure out where I was going for myself, I had to figure out what I wanted, what I needed, what I believed and why. When I rejoined the House of Netjer in 2018, it was with a much better sense of where I was spiritually.I am a perpetually tired pigeon, and that can make spirituality hard for me. Faith is faith, but spiritual acts take spoons. Even the act of keeping the Netjeru (Gods) in my focus is subtly draining, and kicks other things, things I need to be doing, out of my brainspace. But after all these years of ups and downs, closeness and distance, and being taught by my Gods to walk Their path without Their handholding, I still feel I'm in a good place.I hope I can share some of that with you through the services that I offer on this site.

Dem Gods, Dem Gods, Dem Dry gods


There are a lot of Kemetic Gods, lets be honest. And not all of the information about them is easy to digest. Here I present some short(-ish) blurbs about my personal experience with these particular Netjeru, to add clarity as you read the rest of the site.

Wepiu (Wepwawet)

"Wepwawet", or Wepiu (or just Wep) as I know him now, is a bit of a mix these days. I often get him as the jovial, easy-going God that many know and love, and who I first met. But I also get him frequently as a darker furred king upon his throne. And more recently, I get him as radiant, golden brown fur reflecting the noonday sun, joy coming off him in waves. Bringer of light, giver of joy, but always ready to meet you where you are.


Hethert was not a Netjer I ever thought I'd know. I was love-averse, and so I was Hethert-averse. But I met her in a Saq (ritual possession), where nothing was said and yet everything was said. I have been a devotee since.The form of Hethert I get is all Hetherts, but the face she primarily shows me is Hethert-Amenti. This face is just as loving as "vanilla" Hethert, but it's a soft, gossamer love. A faint soothing breeze. A cool drink of milk. Her laughter tinkles quietly, it isn't raucous. She is the shade of the tree that comforts the newly dead, and it is wonderful.


Much like Hethert, I avoided Sekhmet at first. I found her intimidating, and didn't connect with her at Saq events. But at a smaller event I suddenly saw a face of her that I understood and bonded with, gentle and kind and loving.I thought for a long time that this was Sekhmet-Mut. Shortly before my Beloved divination, I realised it was Sekhmet-Nut. But at my divination, Sekhmet chose to present as neither, but as Sekhmet-Hethert in all her many faces.


I was curious about Nebthet for a long time, but could never get close to her. I never felt there was an enforced distance as such, I just couldn't hear her. She is famously quiet. But she can be heard, you just have to learn to still yourself enough to pick her out. Once you do, she becomes easier to tune into.She's gentle and kind. Sometimes I get glimpses of the face of the mourner, a delicate sadness that shows through. But mostly, she has reserved smiles for all things. She reminds me of my meditation and mindfulness practice, very thoughtful, very non-judgemental, and never hasty.


Serqet is my first Beloved, and yet has taken me a very long time to get to know. For most of our years together, I saw her as harsh, almost cruel in her healing ways.Recently I have come to realise that she is in fact warm and motherly, loving and kind, and does not look forward to any of the pain she has to cause in the course of her care. Her love is encompassing, and I am glad to have finally had chance to know it.